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The WHO encourages physical activity in children and youth and supports programs aimed at preventing and controlling Non-Communicable diseases through focusing on reducing the risk factors associated with these diseases.
Through the curriculum Physical Education and Community Service Learning will be compulsory for all learners. The curriculum confirms that the country is struggling with social ills, especially among the youth, like drugs and substance abuse, lifestyle diseases, preventive health and chronic diseases.
Expects schools to instill the value of physical and sporting activities through integration of physical activity in the curriculum; establishing adequate, safe and suitable physical education facilities; allocating time for physical activities; making sporting and recreation activities accessible to all children, including those with disabilities. Enhance knowledge and sensitize school communities on prevention and control of Non-Communicable diseases.
The action plan Targets by 2023 to have reduced the levels of insufficient physical activity by 5%. The vision is ‘’A physically active and healthy nation.” Mission “To improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities in Kenya through a diverse and inclusive provision of physical activity opportunities to enable more people to be more active, more often”. The action plan’s goals are: To increase and maintain adequate levels of health-enhancing physical activity for all persons and To contribute to the prevention, management, and control of chronic non-communicable diseases.
That aims at attaining the highest possible standard of health in a manner responsive to the health needs of the population. This policy will be achieved through strategic objectives which include halting and reversing the rising burden of NCD’s, minimizing exposure to health risk factors, eliminating communicable diseases, and strengthening collaboration with health-related sectors which have a bearing on NCD prevention and control.
The guideline has messages for healthy eating and is suitable for professionals who educate others on nutrition for optimal health (nutritionists, health practitioners, teachers at institutions, including colleges and technical training institutes, community educators, and agricultural extension workers).
Kenya National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases 2015-2020 recognizes many risk factors related to Inadequate Physical Activity. National Guidelines for Healthy Diet and Physical Activity 2017 which discusses Physical activity for older children and adolescents who are 5-17 and 10-19 years old.
Goal No. 3 on Ensuring healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages. By 2030 reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention.
It is based on the commitment of the Government of Kenya to ensure that school children are well-nourished and healthy. It acknowledges nutrition and nutrition education as core components of school meals.
Support youth development, health, nutrition and wellbeing with the new challenges like malnutrition, Non-Communicable diseases, drug abuse, mental health, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, stress, reduce risks of illness and nature positive interactions.