Rosemary Khitieyi Imonje


Dr. Rosemary Khitieyi Imonje is a full-time faculty and educational expert for Curriculum Studies both at undergraduate and graduate levels, besides supervising academic research projects for the latter; in the Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies, University of Nairobi, Ken ya.

Dr. Imonje has a progressive outstanding experience of over 25 years as a consultant; researcher; program designer, evaluator, and publisher in the field of education. Her extensive and continuing research interests include action and collaborative research, capacity building in areas of basic and teacher education even in marginalized regions, education in emergencies; and has published on the same in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Imonje has collaboratively worked with Global Partnership for Education (GPE) through the Government of Kenya, World Bank, and Ministry of Education (Kenya) on PRIEDE program; Center for British Teachers (CfBT)/University of Nairobi Enterprises &Services (UNES) on Somalia Master’s in Education program for Puntland, Garowe, and Mogadishu; MDF East and Southern Africa, as a trainer of trainers; Rwanda on Education in Emergencies advocacy.