Priscilah Rotich

Priscilah Rotich possesses a strong academic background in Nutrition and holds Bachelors of Science degree in Nutrition dietetics; registered with KNDI as a Public Health Nutritionist, she has a working knowledge of nutrition-sensitive programs and research for development geared toward alleviating poverty and promoting healthy living.  She has worked with various research and humanitarian organizations in Kenya, supporting programs targeting the most vulnerable in the community (women & children), capacity building of local communities, and various County Governments Departments while working closely with other partners.

As a nutrition professional she has developed vast technical skills in various fields in project management that include technical supervision of project activities, development of reports, advocacy, behavior change communication, community consultation, monitoring and evaluation and data collection & analysis.

In June 2021, Priscilah joined Wellness for Greatness as a Project Associate to support the actualization of organization development plans related to its projects aimed at improving healthy living through physical health and management of lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases. 

In her own time, she enjoys reading, learning, and sharing new ideas through voluntary work to support and empower others.