Education, health and wellness for children are inextricably intertwined. A student, teacher or school personnel who suffers from a health deficit will not profit or contribute optimally from the educational process. There is a strong link and connection between health and learning (encompasses school and class attendance; academic performance, retention, completion and transition) among pupils in schools. A sick school cannot promote and implement government educational policies effectively but a healthy school will appropriately do so. An effective and efficient healthy school environment ensures access, retention, quality and equity in education. Among the health deficits that affect learning outcomes, school health and wellness are noncommunicable diseases and physical inactivity. This needs assessment was conducted to examine the state of school health and wellness in public primary schools and the extent to which physical education is implemented to promote wellness in schools in Kenya. The survey also investigated the level of school awareness and knowledge on prevention and management of Non-communicable diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs), obesity and physical inactivity among learners, teachers, administrators and parents in relation to learner absenteeism, drop out, transition and completion in schools.