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Importance of Sleep on Health and Well-being

In these modern times, more and more people are sleeping less and less. Adequate sleep is crucial for peak performance. These 5 benefits express the importance of sleep on your health and well-being.  You have heard of the phrase ‘I will sleep when I die meaning a way of working non-stop. But this advice is detrimental to a person’s health regardless of age. Sleep provides massive benefits to the body. These benefits include improved overall health and proper bodily functions.  …

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5 Reasons Why Hydration is Important

Hydrating is a simple yet powerful way of maintaining proper bodily functions. It helps the brain, blood vessels, and the heart. Read on to find out how.  Only a few individuals drink enough water nowadays. Hydration is crucial in that it aids in digestion and improves metabolism. Apart from that, water also helps the body remove toxic waste products and cleanse the body.  It is recommended that eight glasses of water per day is necessary for optimal body performance. But …

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Best Brain Games for Children to Keep Them Sharp

Brain games for children are essential during brain development. Such games offer fun, learning, and engagement at once. Read on to find out more.   Brain games for children are a great way of promoting engagement. These games challenge the children’s existing knowledge of specific subjects. A child’s brain develops rapidly from birth up to 8 years of age, making such games important during this period.  These games include game boards, word puzzles, and memory games. They improve a child’s …

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Stretching: Why It’s Important

Stretching is an underlooked aspect of life. Regular stretching has a positive impact on our lives. Read on below to find out how. Stretching involves deliberately expanding and flexing a muscle or tendon to improve the muscle’s elasticity. Regular stretching maintains a smooth range of motion in the joints and muscles.  There are lots of benefits to stretching. It can help increase flexibility, improve posture, reduce stress, and calm the mind. Below are some of the profound benefits of routine …

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Bone Broth: The Immense Benefits

Bone broth contains vitamins and minerals essential to the body. Adding it to your diet will provide you with the benefits discussed in this article.  Bone broth is usually made from simmering the bones and connective tissues of animals. It can be made from cows, chickens, or even fish bones. The nutrients in bone broth provide an excellent choice for weight loss.  There are lots of benefits to drinking broth. Some include improved gut health, better joint health, and healthier …

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Meditation: Know the Importance

Meditation has a reputation for inducing calmness and relaxation. The following article expands on its vast benefits and role in our lives. Meditation is an art that has been around for thousands of years. It involves training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts to be in the present. Some people in the Southeast Asia region use meditation for religious purposes, while others, like transcendental meditation, are non-religious. Meditation is widely known as a way of reducing stress but …

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Benefits of a Good Posture

Good posture is associated with optimal health. It keeps your body ready to perform daily tasks with ease. Read on to find out about the benefits of good posture. A good posture means having your body parts aligned correctly with each other. There should be enough muscle tension to provide support. The spine should have three natural curves: the neck area, the middle, and the lower back. There are two types of postures: static and dynamic. Static is the posture …

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