The NCD Health Literacy in schools project ensures learners have the ability to access information on NCDs and use the information to prevent, treat and manage them. We are developing materials/content that is learner-friendly, and carry out awareness campaigns through NCD Health Caravans in schools.
We are creating awareness on the following:
- Diabetes I & II
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Obesity
- Cancer
- Mental health conditions
- Chronic lung diseases
- Oral diseases and conditions
Schools provide an ideal setting for promoting NCD health education, they remain an important setting, offering an efficient and effective way to reach many children and, through them, families and community members. Schools can provide a supportive environment for promoting health. The school years cover a period that runs from childhood to adolescence. These are influential stages in people’s lives when lifelong sustainable health-related behaviors, as well as beliefs and attitudes, are being developed. Children are particularly receptive during this period and the earlier the habits are established, the longer lasting the impact.