Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness is the process of learning how to successfully manage financial expenses; that money plays a critical role in our lives and; not having enough of it impacts health as well as one’s general wellbeing. Financial stress is repeatedly found to be a common source of depression, anxiety, and fear. Keeping track of expenses, making a budget, and sticking to it are important skills to have in order to be financially responsible and independent. Learning how to maximize your financial wellness now will help you feel prepared to handle potentially stressful financial situations in the future.

At Wellness for Greatness, we strongly believe that financial wellness is a culture that needs to be instilled in our learners and communities at large from a tender age. This is due to the fact that we are basically a group of people who have been brought up with the concept of survival, do or die and this mentality is what has led our youth into habits like excessive borrowing, gambling, con artists to mention but a few.

The financial wellness project  includes the following lessons:

  • Making personal financial decisions
  • Income and making money
  • Credit management
  • Budgeting
  • Banking Services
  • Piggy bank management
  • Savings and Investments
  • Ownership of assets
  • Needs vs wants
  • Smart Spending
  • Long Term and Short Term Goals

We are working with financial institutions and experts in the field who bring onboard their expertise to drive this project. Together with our capable team and mentors, we shall be able to drive the agenda of financial wellness in our schools, community, and nation.