António Palmeira


Completed his Habilitation in 2021, and his Ph.D. in health and physical activity at the Technical University of Lisbon in 2009. He is an Associate Professor at Universidade Lusófona, Portugal where he is the Director of the Research Centre CIDEFES.

He is the Executive Director of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA).

Published about 100 articles in specialized journals over 200 works in proceedings, has four books published. He has served as an advisor in over 100 dissertations and thesis in health sciences, educational sciences, and social sciences. Received five prizes. In his professional activities, interacted with 116 researchers in the authorship of scientific papers. The most frequent terms in the context of scientific production are Physical Activity, Psychosocial Variables, Weight Management, Adolescents, Obesity, Exercise Motivation, Well-being, Women, Body Composition, and Body Image.

Father of Miguel (19y) and Carolina Palmeira (18y), husband of Maria João Palmeira; loves exercising, music, basketball, and learning how to become more productive.