Qualifications: BA(Hons) Geography, 1984; ILAM Diploma in Leisure Management, 1993.
Areas of interest: Professionally and personally, Trevor’s passion is in being active and in helping other people learn and feel the benefits of being so.
Experience: Trevor is the Vice Chair of the International Physical Literacy Association (IPLA) and was one of the UK’s first sports development professionals. With a Diploma in Leisure Management, he has over 30 years of successful experience managing and coordinating national and local public sector sports and leisure services departments, voluntary sector delivery teams, and private sector organizations to design, develop and deliver community engagement, participation, and sports development programs across the world.
His work has included program and training delivery in the education, leisure services, community services, youth services, and culture and heritage sectors in Europe, Africa, and Asia. This has included designing and delivering major event legacy participation programs and government strategies for sports development, physical education, physical activity, and health promotion.
As Managing Director of Sportsmith Ltd, he is currently designing and delivering physical activity and engagement programs for the Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum and working with a number of UK property developers to build sport and physical activity into people’s everyday lives.